Product Page Shipping Rates FAQ

FAQs for MT Product Page Shipping app for Shopify. Please contact us if you can’t find the answer to your question below.

Q: Is Product Page Shipping Rates compatible with 3rd party shipping rate?

A: Yes! Our other app, Table Rates Shipping, provides 3rd party rates, so we needed this feature too.

Q: Is your Product Page Shipping Rates localizable?

A: Yes, all fields, messages and text can be customized and/or localized.

Q: Will Product Page Shipping Rates work with my theme?

A: Yes, we designed Product Page Shipping Rates to work with any theme. That said there are a lot of themes out there. If it’s not working correctly with your theme, contact us. We are happy to work with you to get it looking great on your shop!

Q: Can I change the look or style of Product Page Shipping Rates?

A: Yes, you can customize the colors of the search button and the other styles can be changed via CSS and there are two different layout. We are adding new features often so let us know if there is something you’d like to be able to change.

Q: Can I restrict address/postal code search to only countries I ship to?

A: Yes, you can set the address field to only search countries set up in your shipping zones.